Calculators provided by bchrt.com
Financial Calculators ©20088-2023 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC
您目前的净资产是 $0
- Annual asset growth
- Average annual rate you expect your assets to increase (or decrease if negative) in value.
- Annual liability growth
- Average annual rate you expect your liabilities to increase (or decrease if negative) in value.
您的资产: 按空格键显示输入 |
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- Home
- Current value of your home. This should be as close as possible to the actual market value of your home. If you have owned your home for a number of years, the current market value could be significantly higher than your original purchase price.
- Other real estate
- The value of any other real estate you may own. Include second homes, undeveloped land, rental property or any commercial buildings you may have an interest in. As with your home, use the actual market value of this real estate.
- Automobiles
- This is the total value of all automobiles that you own. Do not include any leased vehicles.
- Other vehicles
- If you own any other vehicles, such as RVs, campers or collectibles, enter them here.
- Jewelry
- The value of any jewelry, gems or precious metals such as gold. If you have owned these items for a number of years they may have appreciated in price, so remember to use the current market value.
- Household items
- The value of your household goods and items. This would include items such as furniture, home electronics, silverware, etc.
- Retirement accounts
- The current total balance of your retirement accounts. This should include IRAs, 401(k) savings, SEP IRAs, variable annuities and any other retirement savings you may have.
- Bonds
- If you own any Treasury, municipal or commercial bonds, that are not part of your retirement accounts, enter the total here.
- Stocks
- If you own any individual stocks, that are not part of your retirement accounts, enter the total here.
- Mutual funds
- If you own any mutual funds, that are not part of your retirement accounts, enter the total here.
- Cash value of life insurance
- Some life insurance has a cash value. This is true for whole life and universal life policies. Term life policies, on the other hand, have no cash value. If you have life insurance with a cash value, enter the total here. Remember, this should be the cash value of the policy, not the amount paid out if you were to collect on the policy.
- Savings bonds
- If you own any savings bonds enter the total here.
- Checking and savings
- The current total balance of your checking and savings accounts.
- Cash
- If you have any other cash, enter the total here.
- Other
- If you have any other assets of value, you can enter the total here.
您的负债: 按空格键显示输入 |
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- 房屋抵押贷款本金
- 这是您房屋贷款的当前本金余额。这是您必须支付的金额才能免费和清晰地拥有您的房屋。